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Sin Nombre

What it’s about

In the hope of a better life, Honduran teenager Sayra (Gaitan) embarks on a perilous journey to the U.S. border on the top of a freight train, with her father, uncle, and an anxious clutch of immigrant hopefuls. Also aboard is moody Mexican gangster Casper (Flores), whos on the run and being tracked by 12-year-old assassin El Smiley (Ferrer). This baby-faced killer was recruited by ruthless Lil Mago (Huerta), a heavily tattooed Mara gang leader intent on doling out the ultimate punishment for disloyalty.

Why we love it

Inspired by his own travel experience in Central America, Fukunagas daring debut thriller tracks the fate of two Latin American teens who are each attempting to escape a forbidding circumstance. For Sayra, the route to America is a way out of poverty. For Casper, it is the only way to survive the wrath of the vengeful Mara gang hes abandoned. Fukunaga makes the most out of the moving train conceit, wrenching expertly credible performances from his young, nonprofessional cast. Sin Nombre is a smart, riveting glimpse at youthful lives caught in extreme circumstances.

Paulina Gaitan, dgar Flores, Hctor Jimnez, Diana Garcia, Tenoch Huerta, Kristyan Ferrer Cary Joy Fukunaga

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