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Seance on a Wet Afternoon

Released 1964
Runtime 115
Language English
Director Bryan Forbes

What it’s about

In a nondescript house in London, a medium named Myra (Stanley) is quietly going mad. More frightening still is that her submissive husband Billy (Attenborough) wont acknowledge it. At Myras direction, Billy kidnaps a young girl and isolates her, blindfolded, in an interior room. The plan is that theyll collect the ransom, and then Myra will throw off suspicion by using her extra-sensory powers to help the parents locate the child. Things dont quite turn out as planned.

Why we love it

Young writer-director Bryan Forbes fashions a dandy psychological thriller that works its dread gradually, like a car accident seen in slow motion. American actress Stanley (who worked more on stage than in film) is a marvel in an Oscar-nominated turn, but Attenborough is every bit as impressive in the tricky, thankless role of Billy. Even the films somewhat deliberate pacing cant manage to undermine the pervasive eeriness of it all. No doubt about it: this Sance is sure to make your skin crawl.

Kim Stanley, Richard Attenborough Bryan Forbes

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