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The Essentials:Rebecca

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Today, we’re featuring “Rebecca” (1940), a masterpiece of a thriller from the grandmaster of them all – Alfred Hitchcock. “Rebecca” was the first film Hitchcock made for David O. Selznick, the producer who convinced Hitch to cross the Atlantic with promises of porterhouse steaks, American ice cream, and a chance to kick off his Hollywood career with a unalloyed hit. 

Selznick knew his mark. As his tailor could probably confirm, Hitch loved steak, fell in love with ice cream, and took to Los Angeles like a native. The legendary director apparently enjoyed puttering about Wilshire Blvd. in his little Austin car – the great man climbing into and out of his miniature car attracted crowds of paparazzi throughout those first few years in the City of Angels. 

Another spectacle attracted crowds, too, much to the benefit of Selznick and Hitchcock; “Rebecca” went on to become an incredible financial and critical success. “Rebecca” ended up winning Hitch his only Oscar ever. Like the Kardashians’ continuing celebrity, it sounds insane, but it’s also true. 

Along with Sir Laurence Olivier as a widower tortured by his wife’s death and the ever-lovely Joan Fontaine as his much younger second wife, the gothic “Rebecca” also includes incredible supporting performances, particularly Judith Anderson in a scene-stealing role as the frigid housekeeper from hell, Mrs. Danvers. 

The long and short of it is this: with two Oscar wins for Best Picture and Cinematography, and two Hollywood superstars in the prime of their acting careers, “Rebecca” is a must-have for any classic movie library. For only eight-and-a-half bucks on BluRay, it’s a steal you should jump on now. 

Still not quite convinced? Take a look at our review and learn more about this landmark film.

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