Best Movies by Farr

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What's it About

Mitsuha (Sheh), an adolescent girl from a rural town and Taki (Sinterniklaas), a high school boy living in Tokyo, inexplicably swap bodies from time to time. Initially thinking they are dreaming, they slowly grow accustomed to each other’s lives, and pass messages to each other via their phones. But when Taki reaches out to make contact with Mitsuha in person, he can find no trace of her; instead he discovers some alarming truths.

Why we love it

What starts out as a “Freaky Friday” concept develops into something quite different and unexpected under the expert storytelling skills of Shinkai. The painterly visuals are astonishing, with a depth of field that appears almost three dimensional. Combining youthful romance with an intriguing supernatural element, this tender love story became one of Japan’s highest earning anime films, and will surely touch international audiences of all ages.