Best Movies by Farr


Tower Poster
Tower Poster






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What's it About

In 1966 at the University of Austin, Texas, a lone gunman killed 14 people and wounded many more from his sniper’s perch up in the campus clock tower. For 96 minutes, passers-by took shelter from the bullets and watched in fear as the horror unfolded. Local authorities struggled to comprehend what was happening before rallying to confront and take out the killer.

Why we love it

Very little footage of this previously unprecedented shooting exists, so filmmaker Maitland chose to use animation to reenact the events, and voice-over from actors to create an immediate, visceral experience. Elapsing almost in real time, the viewer is drawn into the panic and confusion as an unthinkable reality sets in. Stories of resilience and bravery emerge in this original and creative approach to documentary storytelling.

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