Best Movies by Farr

To Kill a Tiger

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To Kill a Tiger Poster






To Kill a Tiger

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What's it About

Ranjit, a farmer in rural India, learns his thirteen-year-old daughter has been sexually assaulted by three older boys. Rather than punish the perpetrators, village leaders believe the best recourse is to marry off Kiran to one of her assailants, since her rape means than no other man will have her. Ostracized by their neighbors, father and daughter will persevere as long as it takes to make sure these unrepentant young men answer for their brutal, heinous crime.

Why we love it

Oscar-nominated for Best Documentary, director Pahuja’s fearless, often horrifying feature will stir outrage that anything like this could happen in the twenty-first century. Beyond the unspeakable crime itself, it’s the reaction of the various villagers interviewed that really makes your blood boil. At the same time, we are humbled and inspired by the quiet, steely courage of Ranjit, and especially Kiran. Here are victims being victimized further for doing the right thing. Don’t miss this important, altogether superb film.

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