Best Movies by Farr

Shadow of a Doubt

Shadow of a Doubt Poster
Shadow of a Doubt Poster





Shadow of a Doubt

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What's it About

Charlie Oakley (Cotten) is an attractive, seemingly mild-mannered young man with a horrific hidden side who decides, for reasons which soon become evident, to pay his sister's family a visit. Though dear Uncle Charlie has always doted on his innocent young niece (Wright), this time their closeness may put her in harm's way.

Why we love it

Hitchcock shows us how close to home treachery may be found in "Shadow," a subtle yet riveting psychological thriller about a small-town serial killer. The director himself considered this one of his finest achievements. Penned by playwright Thornton Wilder and based on the infamous Merry Widow Killer case, "Shadow" maintains a nerve-rattling mood of menace throughout. Highlighted by a chilling performance from Cotten, this film gives a diabolical new meaning to the adage: "You can't pick your family." 

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