Best Movies by Farr

After Innocence

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After Innocence Poster





After Innocence

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What's it About

This probing documentary explores the post-prison lives of seven men exonerated by DNA evidence for crimes they did not commit after enduring years, often decades, behind bars. Freed without compensation or even an apology, these exonerees fight to have their record expunged from law-enforcement databases, while readjusting to life outside the big house. 

Why we love it

Sanders's sobering film is both an exposé of a flawed judicial system and an intimate profile of those who've suffered needlessly because of prosecutorial zeal, poverty, prejudice, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Through her eyes, we peek behind the scenes at Project Innocence: a nonprofit started by lawyers Barry Sheck and Peter Neufeld that has worked pro bono since 1992 to free hundreds of wrongly imprisoned people. But the stories of the men themselves  — a Rhode Island police officer and a night-shift mechanic among them — will break your heart, while their resolve to change the system will win your utmost respect.

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